Choosing a Web Design Company
For making a way to the competitive business world, now companies are not hesitant to use information technology. The most common example for that is building its global presence by creating company Website and doing its Marketing to over pass its competitors.
Companies whether it is small or big, are looking for a Web Design Company that can take care of its local and global presence. But choosing a Web Design Company can be a tricky task as it depends on what is the requirement of a company i.e. whether they require
Web Design/Development
or they also require internet marketing services such as Search Engine Optimization. If the answer is yes then that means you should search for a company that provides both the services. This decision can make your life hassle free as your Website will be created by taking care of
On page Optimization
at the same time.
But some of the key questions that you to ask a designer:
Is the code provided is W3C compatible.
Is the Website cross browser compatible.
Ask for the portfolio of the clients.
W3C compatibility
for HTML , XHTML , CSS is very important for a website since it counts in SEO . There are different browser such as internet explorer, chrome , firefox . A website should behave and look similar in all the major browsers to provide a smooth browsing experience to its visitors. A good designer knows how to rectify these types of issues and to publish a website after checking the cross browser compatibility.
Since now you have chosen a
Web Design Company
, the first step is to provide the blue print of your Company which includes its work , products , services , subsidiary wings within the company. If you are able to provide this blue print to the designer then only you can expect your website to reflect your business. Otherwise it will require a lot of redesign at the end which generally happens.
A good Web Design and
SEO Company
will do all type of keyword research and clients competitor study so that On Page Optimization can be done with best of client s interest. With the optimized pages your Website is ready to get published. From here now you are ready to race with your competitor s.
The next step that comes is an important part of SEO which is
Off Page Optimization
. In this, backlink are created to different sites such as directory, bookmark, article, blog etc.. This should be ongoing process to remain at the top of search engine. The composite work done in web design and SEO is the key to success for any company as it saves lot of money and time.
Author is a SEO manager in Netcollab Enterprises and have an extensive experience of 5 years in SEO and hands on in Web Design.
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