.22 Lr Conversion Kits By Cmmg

.22LR Conversion Kits by CMMG


Gregg F. Swift, J.D., IACSP

These CMMG.22 LR conversion kits come completely assembled and ready to install in any AR-15 platform weapon. CMMG.22LR conversion kits are a smart affordable way to continue shooting your AR-15 platform weapon using the cheaper, more affordable, and the more readily available.22LR ammunition. Shooting with the less powerful.22LR ammunition also increases the number of places to shoot because you are shooting a.22LR instead of a.223/5.56mm. Most indoor rifle ranges have restrictions on the caliber of rifles they allow to be discharged on their range.


The CMMG.22LR kits start at MSRP $189.95 for the ALPHA Model, a phosphate finished product and the Model BRAVO, a stainless steel finish, has an MSRP of $219.95. Two additional models are also available from CMMG, the ECHO and the INDIA Models. For the price of about 500 rounds of ammunition you can purchase a good quality CMMG.22LR conversion kit. The CMMG.22LR conversion kits are designed for use with the.223/5.56mm direct gas impingement rifles. They are not compatible with the gas piston systems without removing the piston. Also, the CMMG.22LR conversion kits are to be used only in a 5.56 NATO chambered AR-15 platform weapon. For best performance CMMG recommends the use of rounded style hammer as opposed to the notched hammers that have a tendency to cause some function issues. Federal Value Pack 36 grain HP ammo is recommended because the bullets don’t deform quite as easily during the feeding process. The brass on the Federal ammunition is stronger and has a tendency to prevent the bullet from developing a bulge on the casings that are fired. The reduced cost of the ammunition is a definite plus as the cost of ammunition continues to be on the rise..22LR ammunition is significantly cheaper allowing for greater savings. The reduced cost of ammunition also allows the shooter to practice critical shooting skills without racking up a large ammunition bill. CMMG recommends cleaning your upper and shooting a few rounds of.223/5.56mm after every 500 rounds of.22LR to keep your gas port and gas tube clear. Further, they recommend cleaning after every 300 rounds if you are using subsonic ammunition. CMMG also recommends that you do not leave the.22 LR conversion in the upper overnight after shooting as the chamber adapter could become lodged in the 5.56 chamber. CMMG also sells a Protective Cap, called the 22ARC that offers additional protection when the.22LR conversion kit is not in the upper. On AR-15.com CMMG has a post that discusses problems that may be associated with the.22LR conversion kit. Please see the link below for that post. The post on AR-15.com also discusses the break-in time for the phosphate model which is about 100 rounds and no break-in period for the stainless steel model. The article is a must read for anyone considering a CMMG.22LR conversion kit. http://www.ar15.com/forums/t_2_145/176451__22_Conversions_Trouble_Shooting.html

Gregg Swift, J.D., IACSP, is the Director of Operations for Tactical Weapons Solutions, an AR-15 manufacturer. Mr. Swift graduated from Barry Law School in 2001 and has written numerous articles relating to the manufacturing and selling of high quality AR-15 parts, components and rifles. Visit Tactical Weapons Solutions at


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.22LR Conversion Kits by CMMG

.22 Lr Conversion Kits By Cmmg